I would like to thank all of you for helping to keep our mission at Corazón moving forward in the face of this worldwide challenge.
We hope and pray that all of you and your families are safe and healthy, and we would like to share with you some information concerning our Corazón families and communities in Tijuana & Tecate, México.
Dear Corazón sponsors, volunteers, and staff,
I would like to thank all of you for helping to keep our mission at Corazón moving forward in the face of this worldwide challenge.
We hope and pray that all of you and your families are safe and healthy, and we would like to share with you some information concerning our Corazón families and communities in Tijuana & Tecate, México. To date, our Corazón participants in México have not had a single case of the COVID-19 virus, and we are all eternally grateful for this blessing. Our Corazón staff continues our mission, even during this current pandemic, practicing all personal protection and personal spacing requirements, of course.
The information coming from the government of México has been sparse and has definitely been overshadowed by what is happening here in the U.S. So, we would like to share with you some personal observations and reflections from our Mexican participants as they try to stay safe and healthy. We hope to give you some varied and interesting perspectives on what life is really like for our families living in México during this challenging time.
Our staff in México communicates with our participants daily, monitoring their health, providing some educational backup and assistance for the Scholarship students, and checking on their various personal and family needs. Especially gratifying is how the spirit of community that has been fostered among the Corazón participants, is showing up as positive, community-based efforts in absence of any government assistance. They are continuing to help each other, sharing what they have with each other, with the faith that you and Corazón will be there to back them up and support them.
Corazón has created a very unique infrastructure, one we have been building for over 45 years, that allows us to get the funds needed for survival directly into the hands of our participants. While this is somewhat at odds with our traditional methods of helping our participants, we feel these extraordinary circumstances warrant it. We do not need to put any of our staff at risk collecting and distributing food and medicine if that becomes necessary, and we can get the funds needed directly to the members of our community.
As an organization, our Board of Directors and Staff have decided to begin a new chapter for Corazón. We would like to share with you a weekly update, for the next 12 weeks from the people that you would normally be working side by side with building a new home in México. Hopefully we can all learn more about the remarkable people that have chosen to be a part of the Corazón community.
May I remind you that Giving Tuesday is tomorrow May 5th, and ask that you please keep Corazón and the people we serve in México at the forefront of your giving this day!
Yours in service,
Mike Savage
Corazón President