Edward McCarroll

  • commented on In Memory of Dat Hoang 2021-03-15 17:12:12 -0700
    Such a tragic loss.

    I last talked to Dat on January 22nd. In last conversation, he was quite worried about the COVID. He’d been trying to convince his doctor(s) that his medical condition warranted him priority on the vaccination list. But as far as I know, he never managed to get the vaccine.
  • published Marisol's Letter (05/11/2020) in COVID-19 Updates 2020-05-19 21:01:06 -0700

    Dear Corazon Family,

    Last week, we shared with you our current mission in Mexico and the daily monitoring of the families living in the six villages in Tijuana and Tecate where we provide programs. As promised, we present below a letter from a member of one of our families, Marisol Huerta Lopez, who lives in the Nuevo Milenio community of Tijuana. Marisol has provided her perspective on life in Mexico during the pandemic. She and her family have been active in the Corazon program for over 15 years, helping with house builds.

    Here is what Marisol has to say:

    Dear Corazon Community,

    Through this letter, I would like to tell you that our Nuevo Milenio community, as everywhere, is experiencing an economic crisis. Many of the participants of Corazon are unemployed, due to the government's order to close most non-essential sources of work.

    However, this situation affects all of us. Some survive on only half of their normal salary, and others are limited to their meager savings. The general population is panicking, since the state of emergency continues to expand and there is no fixed date to resume work. We recognize that while the quarantine is a security measure for our health, it is also affecting all of us financially.

    With no work, our money is running out. At the same time, basic necessities are becoming more expensive and certain things have a purchase limit in order to prevent hoarding. We are hoping for the government to support us with food aid.

    In my situation, I work at the courthouse. The courts have been closed due to the pandemic since March 20; I have been unemployed for six weeks. Likewise, my father and brother are waiting to resume their work. As a result, my family is surviving with the little savings that that we have set aside.

    We are concerned that soon we will be forced into debt and have to start selling our household items. We pray that this situation ends soon and that our work activities will be reactivated.

    I understand that many of you are in a similar situation. But if you are able, I appeal to you to contribute, to provide badly needed food for my community.

    Marisol Huerta Lopez, Nuevo Milenio Community
    Tijuana, Baja California


  • published Marcos' Letter (05/19/2020) in COVID-19 Updates 2020-05-13 21:19:02 -0700

    As a result of our donors' generosity, we were able to provide immediate financial assistance to 16 of our families in Mexico facing severe financial hardship due to job losses from COVID19.

    From John Torrence:

    Our staff in Mexico continues to monitor how our communities and families are holding up during the lock-down, and we will continue to identify more families for assistance as needs warrant. We thank all of you who have donated to make this assistance possible.

    Last week we introduced Marisol, a young, energetic leader in Nuevo Milenio who is desperately trying to keep her community together. Today, we go over the hill to Pedregal, one of the first communities where Corazón’s founders started serving the poor nearly 50 years ago! I first met Marcos and his wife Esperanza in the early 1990s. They lived in the smallest house you can imagine. With their two children, they had had a single room with bunk beds on one side and a kitchen area on the other side. The aisle between the two sides was so small, you could not turn around in the house! Everything was clean, the children were very personable, and I knew we had to find a way to help this family.

    We were just starting to develop our community-based program when I met Marcos Calvillo and his family. Marcos’ family was among the first participants to be part of our continuing programs, rather than just the recipient of a free house. We built his family a new home around 1996 as part of our continuing support. His family has also participated in various programs, taking classes, learning new skills, earning scholarships for the children. I met up with Marcos last year at a house build in Tecate, fifty miles from his home, and was pleased to see that he was still participating in the program! It was great to hear about their success - the kids are grown and have their own families, Marcos and Esperanza are leaders in their community, helping others. I promised to come for a visit one day - Marcos recently called me to express his concerns. I asked Louise to send someone to investigate.

    These are strange and difficult times, and Mexico does not have a safety net the way we do.

    This is Marcos Calvillo's current situation:

    "I live in the community of Pedregal, and I have been participating in Corazon programs for over 24 years.  My family has been fortunate to receive a house and scholarships for my children. I am devoted to my family and the Pedregal community. I have been committed to bettering our communities in Tijuana over the years by volunteering with Corazon on weekends to build homes for my neighbors.

    Recently, my family and I have gone through some tough times. I lost my job, and I no longer have health insurance.  With the coronavirus, the older employees were the first to be laid off for fear of putting our health at risk. I am 54 years old, and I continue to search for work, but unfortunately, there are fewer job opportunities for older adults in Mexico.  With my most recent employer, I received health insurance benefits, and it covered the cost of my prescriptions for my diabetes and heart condition.

    My most pressing worry is that I might not be able to put food on the table or purchase the medicines that address my ongoing health conditions. I'm worried that I will not be able to purchase the medication I need, which costs $10 per week.  I have a family of five living in our Corazon home, and it costs about $12 per week to feed our family.

    I cannot express my gratitude for the help that the Corazon family has provided for my family and me over the past 24 years. I ask for your help in these most trying times - thank you in advance for your support."


    Marcos Calvillo

    We have already sent Marcos funds to cover the cost of his medication,

    and we will stay in touch with him. We have dozens of families in similar situations.

    Can you please help us with these emergency needs?


  • published Thank You Video (12/01/2019) in News 2020-05-13 21:06:10 -0700

  • published COVID-19 Updates in News 2020-05-11 19:58:58 -0700

    COVID19 Updates

    Stay up-to-date on Corazón's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • donated 2020-03-21 16:44:48 -0700

  • donated via 2019-08-19 18:54:55 -0700

  • commented on Contact Us 2019-08-21 20:12:09 -0700
    This is a test message, submitted using the “Contact Us” page. Please let me know if you see anything wrong with what you receive.

    Thanks, Ed

    Contact Us

    1505 E 17th St 114
    Santa Ana 92705

    Call us at (714) 547-0357. For fastest response, please use the form. 

    Follow us on social media! 

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  • donated via 2019-08-19 18:53:29 -0700

  • donated via 2019-09-01 19:15:14 -0700